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[IMPORTANT NOTICE: CHURCH OF PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLORATION (COPE) Ministries is currently primarily conceptual and virtual.  At open house events, revivals, or in-person church services no children under 13 years of age are permitted without being accompanied by their legal guardians.  Legal guardians of minor children are expected to supervise and protect their children regardless of environmental conditions at all times.  That is our church's understanding of the law and our policy regarding minors under the age of 13.  CHOMOS are not welcome at COPE Ministries, but, they lie and until discovered may be present though unwelcome.  There are plenty of other "churches" that appear to welcome them so they can go where they are welcome which is not COPE Ministries.  And, minors under age 13 should also be supervised and/or protected while online.  So, if under 13 and on this site, you are welcome.  But, you should have your legal guardian check it out and then see if it is apppropriate.  The Bible covers some very "grown up" ideas including rape, murder, war, demons, incest, marital discord, and a lot of "real world" issues that may be too mature for some.  So, we ask and also somewhat assume those committed to Bible study are aware of the risk and assume it when receiving free services.  If 13 or older but still a minor and attending one of our events in person, you find Rev. Minister Angela Smith immediately and let her know and be prepared to be protected and/or supervised.  That may or may not include inquiring about where your parents are, if they know where you are, and how to contact them.  It's because no children are getting raped on our watch.  And, if incest is involved and Minister Angela Smith hears about it, law enforcement will be notified.]


1.  What is your position on homosexuality? 

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Regarding Leviticus 18:22, I’d say that passage is only possible in reference to anal and oral sex and since both men and women have anuses and mouths, if you ever have anal or oral sex with a woman or would, then you would with a man too.  If you’d solely have sex with a woman and only ever penetrate the vagina and never the mouth or anus, then it is impossible as a biological fact for you to lie with a man as you do a woman since men don’t have vaginas.  But, if you would engage in anal or oral sex, then maybe you are homosexual and/or having sex for purposes beyond the biological imperative as a potential progenitor? And, in terms of recognizing the equality of men and women, I cite Exodus 20:12 which clearly states to honor your mother and your father.  Oxford Languages via Google Definitions defines honor as "high respect".  Therefore disrespecting anyone of any gender is a violation of the 10 Commandments or big 10. Romans 13:1-5 (Wycliffe): "Euery soule be suget to heiyere powers.  For ther is no power but of God, and tho thingis that ben of God, ben ordeyned.  2 Therefor he that ayenstonden, geten to hem self dampnacioun. 3 For princes ben not to the drede of good work, but of yuel.  But wilt thou, that thou drede not power?  Do thou good thing, and thou schalt haue preisyng of it; 4 for he is the mynystre of God, vengere into wraththe to hym that doith yuel.  5 And therfor bi nede be ye suget, not oneli for wraththe, but also for conscience."  [Middle to Modern (American) English translation: Every soul is subject to higher powers.  For there is no power but of God and those things that are of God are ordained.  Therefore, any who obstruct Justice, Love, Equality or any of the qualities or names of God shall be damned for eternity.  For princes (children of God) do not dread truth and virtue, but dread evil.  But, will you dread not power?  (God is all good so dreading deimatic evildoers is kind of silly when God and the law are on your side.)  If you do good, you shall be praised for it; for the prince is the minister of God and instrument of punishment for evildoers.  Therefore by need you are subject, not only out of apprehension of wrath, but, because you let your conscience be your guide.]  I believe the above passage in light of full context of the Age of Reason, American and French Revolutions, and Christian Enlightenment that gave birth to the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence separating church (protestant/alternative school of history & philosophy) and state (law) while recognizing full freedom of religion/religious practice, supports my position that if consenting adults choose to associate and participate in activities where they've given informed consent that as their equal who wishes to also be recognized as having the right to associate, participate, and interact with other consenting adults without their infringing on my first amendment rights to do so that out of respect for equality and freedom I must support the rights of all who are lawfully engaging in consensual activity that may involve association and participation with other consenting parties.  And, if it is unlawful, report it.  Rape is definitively nonconsensual and minors under 13 (or 14) depending on jurisdiction are considered definitively incompetent at law so consent would arguably have to come from the legal guardian but then the legal guardian would be breaching their duty to protect their incompetent dependents and could go to jail for conspiracy to commit rape of a minor.  So, if you are reading this and in agreement with everything stated, awesome.  If you honestly disagree you may be a hypocrite, but, as long as you are honest about it a Wycliffite with potential.]


2.  Why do you use offensive language and cover seriously disturbing social issues?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Words do not offend me, but, acts that are more vicious than virtuous do offend me.  And, the Bible itself covers incest, rape (forcing a rape victim to marry their rapist), slavery, murdering infants in Egypt, war, conquest, fratricide (Cain and Abel, not sure on spelling of fratricide or if that's a real word, if not, it is now), debt peonage, corruption, crucifixion, torture, and all while encouraging commitment to Truth and Virtue.  So, while you may be offended at coarse language, I'm more offended by acts that are more vicious than virtuous and believe if the truth can set us free from oppression that we better support it by being intellectually honest and commit seriously to liberate the entire planet.  But, that's a lofty goal and COPE Ministries is starting small but supports all honorary proselytizers whether in the proverbial closet or not.]

3.  What is COPE Ministries position on masturbation?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Well, I'd like to discuss #TaoFu which is my strategy for acknowledging my biological needs and health requirements while also maintaining virtue by not ruining my equipment for the one I've been waiting for all my life to the best of my ability.  So, when biological or physical health demands satisfaction and I'm not in a committed relationship per se, I don't consider it an act of lust because I truly love myself and even when it is solitaire it is making love the way I do it.  And, for everyone, here's what I suggest to help stay relatively chaste while choosing the right life partner.  Know what you want in a partner and use fantasy stand-ins if they are helpful while you send loving thoughts to your partner-to-be as you self-satisfy.  And, go dutch (split the check) on all dates/expenses to make sure you aren't with a passive prostitute who is deceiving you while using lust as a means of control and manipulation for more cash and gifts.  You want to make sure you are both in it because you genuinely are interested in each other and even considering building a life together and honesty and truth are the foundations of all love that lasts otherwise it isn't love.  So, I use #TaoFu to describe balance, symmetry, symbolism that contains elements of dark and light, and as my strategy for responding to vice with the correct or best virtue to address it.  So, purely beastly, likely getting into trouble with lust if I don't exercise self-discipline, right?  But, I do.  I make love with myself and am careful so my love will be satisfied when finally we come together.  And, I consider masturbation helpful in remaining patient for Mr. Right.  So, in Taoism Lust would be in the dark side and Love on the light side and then the little dark spot on the light side is where it is okay to masturbate because it helps and the little light spot on the dark side is wrath when you fail to exercise patience and surround yourself with vice.  Or, that's my interpretation and understanding and I'm open to divergent perspectives.  In addition, frequent ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer according to a Harvard Study.  So, masturbation is also pro-life.  Source:  And, if you ever make love with a partner with intent to conceive, but, don't and you keep trying anyway, do you consider that wasting semen and time?  Men produce 525 billion sperm in a lifetime.  A healthy man can release 40 million-1.2 billion sperm at once.  Source:  Most of those never become fully realized and manifested people.  How large would a woman's uterus have to be and how many eggs at once to make sure every sperm gets a chance.  What would the planet look like if that was the case?  Masturbation is good for everyone's health and should be encouraged as it is pro-life.  In addition, Kip Eliason tragically took his own life over guilt for masturbating.  Source:  COPE Ministries cannot condone practices that result in suicide.  I am pro-life.]

And, now for something completely different:


#TaoFu and the (unofficial at this time) song that inspired referring to masturbation lovingly as The Crispin Glover Method:


4.  What is your Church's position on abortion?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: The statements I make represent my perspective alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the consensus of the congregation at COPE Ministries.  It is my hope that everyone can or would agree with Senator Lindsey Graham's legislation here:   The reason is actually based on scientific evidence that fetuses can feel pain.  Source: And, our mission held a debate between a secular pro-life organization and secular pro-choice organization, which is found here:  And, you may need to log-in to Google if you are not already to view the follow up article regarding that debate here:  I agree with Lindsey Graham's legislation.  For more on my position on how best to represent the unborn legally, see: ]  


5.  What happens to people when they commit suicide?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: There are various theories on this that include the theory that people who commit suicide become public servants for eternity in the afterlife.  As someone who has attempted suicide twice and survived, I believe that theory from the film "Beetlejuice" by Tim Burton may be influencing my career choices along with the comic book and film "Constantine" starring Keanu Reeves.  So, my astrological sun sign is Scorpio, as is my moon and mercury positions.  And, when Scorpions are tortured they are rumored to commit suicide, but science doesn't support that according to the San Diego Zoo.  In fact, if one Scorpion dies, all the other scorpions investigate.  Source:  The rumors about Scorpion suicides are false.  And, as a Scorpio who has failed to successfully commit suicide twice, I'm beginning to think it isn't even possible for Scorpios to commit suicide.  I did commit arguable limited social media suicide successfully after being trolled and hacked on Facebook and Messenger by deleting my Facebook account. And, I think vicious people don't kill themselves because they are too self-absorbed unless they are killing a lot of other people at the same time, then I think if that's the case God's the judge because I really need to examine the facts of any case before even offering an opinion regarding motives.  And, I think if you kill yourself to show yourself and/or others mercy or generosity of spirit, that's enough virtue in the act for God to recognize it for what it is especially if dealing with a narcissist like Cain or Lucifer.  But, in that case, I think the narcissist is the murderer/manslaughterer by proxy if you commit suicide and there is case law to support that. Source:   So, maybe if you tempt a virtuous person to wrath, and they haven't mastered the art of #TaoFu or responding to vice with the correct corresponding virtue, they succumb to wrath and to avoid hurting anyone else kill themselves without harming anyone else physically.  But, that would be a vicious act with a virtuous motive where the entire circumstance would need to be looked at to see who was the narcissist/Cain and who was the Abel/humanity.  And, Cain doesn't kill himself or does he?  Social death is a concept many discuss in terms of punishments involving exile.  If you are contemplating suicide, I suggest you do make a pros/cons or benefits/risks list of actively attempting suicide.  The risks column should include surviving the attempt with serious bodily harm that prevents you from ever even trying again while potentially quadriplegic or totally paralyzed; surviving or being rescued and then institutionalized (jail for the crime of attempted suicide and/or involuntary psychiatric hospitalization); and you succeed which means you are done being good for anything except funeral service providers/undertakers.  If everyone on earth actually hates you (you are probably a child rapist), it would arguably be virtuous to kill yourself to save everyone all the expense of any further harm you may cause which would be greater than the cost of any funeral services if you act now.  I hope this is helpful.]

6.  What gives you the right to reinterpret scripture?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: My King James Bible published by has a Preface as does the Revised Standard Version in my library.  The preface admits the Bible was commissioned for Prince/King James for the Church of England which was established as a protestant response to the Vatican arguably aligned with the spirit and teachings of Priest John Ball of 14th century England who is a major inspiration for my Church and this church.  It is admittedly translated and formed by men who report themselves to be humble, committed to the Truth and taking a stand against ignorance and darkness.  Human beings are imperfect and fallible as only God is perfect.  So, I admit my imperfection and am humble enough to provide audience for those who would protest #MeToo.  While I don't like responding to questions with questions, I'd ask you "Do you speak Aramaic?  If so, who taught it to you and do they understand both the language and meaning as originally recorded?  When were the stories in the Bible originally recorded?  Were they first transmitted orally as oral histories?  Have you ever played the game "telephone" in school where you sit in a big circle with your teacher and all the other students and the teacher starts it and whispers a word or phrase to the student nearest them and then it makes it's way person by person until the message returns to the teacher?  Is the message the same as what the teacher originally said?  How close to it?  I have faith in Truth and Virtue (aka GOD) and appreciate oral histories, written histories, myth, and mysticism.  The US Constitution provides me free expression, free speech, and freedom of religion.  So, the US Constitution technically gives me the right to my perspective and to share my perspective with others.  I pray and meditate prayerfully and feel truly inspired by God and that this is my calling.  As an American, I respect your right to disagree with my honest perspective.  As someone committed to social equality and in agreement with my understanding of Priest John Ball's perspective, I believe the best way to encourage mutual respect is by showing it.  So, I encourage people to be honest and even question my authority on any topic I cover or opine about and I think that's reasonable and fair.  And, I'd find it very hypocritical of anyone else operating as a faith-based enterprise to claim they have rights I do not where honest disagreement exists, particularly if they claim to be protestant.  I feel such a claim would amount to self-negation on the part of the person claiming more rights than I have regardless of storefront or cultural influence.  And, I've found liars and hypocrites self-negate.  So, if being dishonest (including intellectually dishonest) and falsely claiming authority over other people where such is not granted by the US Constitution (social contract), then you are free to agree to disagree.  If you don't agree with that, then, maybe we'll forcibly convert you to COPE Ministries or my personal point of view on every issue and do so in a segregated environment where you feel you are not free to leave until you accept my perspective alone as the Truth or True Perspective/Belief/etc.  You don't like that idea, right?  Neither do I.]

7.  What is your position on self-medication, drug abuse, and addiction?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Jesus turned water into wine.  And, therefore in moderation it's okay.  But, let's get into some gory details, shall we?  (You may need to watch this first: ) Say someone named Corey had a friend named Corey who did cocaine and other drugs illegally without a prescription.  Say the Corey who did cocaine and other drugs told the first Corey he'd share if the first Corey wanted a sample without disclosing the method of payment or that the share was more of a debt peonage situation.  Then, the first Corey believing his friend was simply sharing out of friendship was handed over to a third-party named Dominick who raped the first Corey which the evil Corey (disagree?) made some arrangement with regarding procuring minors for sexual favors (not himself though) in exchange for drugs.  And, then the first/good Corey was threatened to remain silent and told if he reported it he would be arrested for drug possession/abuse or worse.  So, the good Corey self-medicated to deal with the trauma of having been raped.  And, the evil Corey boasted that he knew the good Corey was into it.  And, then the evil Corey threatens the good Corey on a show about both to keep his mouth shut about the perpetrator's identity.  Later, the good Corey dies.  After the good Corey dies, the evil Corey starts spreading rumors about Charlie Sheen being the rapist of the good Corey and that's bullshit.  Sheen's reputation takes a serious hit and his ex-wife uses the rumors to manipulate the divorce situation.  Sheen's reputation takes another blow.  All the while the evil Corey is playing the world's biggest victim and freak show and running a cult while trafficking his "angels" for labor.  So, this is a warning.  Make sure you know who your friends are and if they truly are looking to share or if some other deal with some devil is at play before accepting any offerings of any substances with which you are not currently familiar and do not know how your body chemistry will react to the substance.  Another sick thing, sex traffickers may claim that drugging their "livestock"/victims is the humane thing to do because they are not into it and this way they aren't conscious when being raped and it relieves pain too, so, they think that's thoughtful.  Nice try.  You are evil if you are trafficking people (especially minors/children).  Trying to come up with a "bright side" to that shit by saying at least you provide medication to address the suffering you caused or permitted for cash when you know how people treat drug addicts and use that as additional means to keep victims silent is despicable.  And, people who would blame those who self-medicate who haven't walked a mile in the shoes of those who do self-medicate are hypocrites and not qualified to provide any form of relief nor legitimate treatment.  As far as addiction where someone physically requires more of the drug just to be normal now, I recommend short-term detoxification and then whatever support they choose for themselves going forward.  If they've been trafficked for sex or labor, they may feel best in the least restrictive/authoritarian/controlled environment as possible because anything close to how they were treated that resulted in self-medication is only going to compound the problem because it would be a lot of trauma triggers resulting in a "fake it until you make it" strategy to get released and go right back to self-medicating now to deal with the compounded trauma.  And, that's my position.  You are welcome to disagree.  #JusticeForHaim.]

8.  Are there things that are none of my business and/or a joke? 

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Yes.  You don't have to listen to me or read what I write and I don't expect you to and hope you have the same expectations.  But, I am accessible and imperfect.  So, if you can't handle the truth and lack a sense of humor while making unreasonable demands on others, please know that I may not be the friend nor minister for you, okay?  If you need more information, just ask.  You can e-mail .  But, if you think you can manipulate me, you can't.  I guarantee I've studied more than you've ever considered and have a keen memory.  My ability to cross-reference and question as a result of my acquired knowledge makes manipulating me or deceiving me for an extended period nearly impossible.  And, you might not like what I do in response if you try it.]

9.  Why do you spend so much time discussing matters of law?  Doesn't that violate "separation of church and state"?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: The Book of Leviticus which establishes the laws also known as commandments which are to govern the people.  The US system of justice is based on Judeo-Christian principles.  The Commandment "Thou Shall Not Kill" is encoded into US law in the form of laws against homicide.  So, it is my understanding that the Bible supports a system of justice in which a social contract exists for those living in a specific society (whether governed by the church/synagogue or a secular government that respects individual liberty in matters of faith while still governing) and that the US is predominantly a Christian nation.  So, just because I'm a person of good faith doesn't mean I don't get to participate in government.  The government doesn't exclude people of good faith from participating and does not discriminate against individual citizens on religious grounds alone.  So, there are many social movements for change such as the Civil Rights Movement (organized in large part by the Southern Christian Leadership Council) and the Pro-Life Movement.  And, I'm simply trying to help people of good faith understand the Constitution so we can all be better at making sure our perspectives are considered reasonably when advocating for changes to laws that govern society.  I see the Bible in many ways as showing how a disorganized and undisciplined social collective that succumbs to vice (i.e. Golden Calf/Idol Worship) finds more peace and justice with a little organization and self-discipline encouraged and enforced by establishing commandments and/or laws for that sake or purpose.  And, I see the US Constitution as inspired by the Magna Carta which arguably inspired or influenced John Wycliffe and Priest John Ball in pre-protestantism which later inspired Martin Luther and the protestant movement.  So, I feel the US Constitution represents the spirit of protestantism as written and COPE Ministries is a protestant Church that supports the US Constitution.  I don't believe the government takes issue with faith-based organizations supporting the government or respecting the laws of the country.  Between Leviticus and "Romans 13:1-2: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."" I feel it is well within my understanding of the Bible and it's purpose to respect the law and agree with the founding fathers who basically in many ways created a system of laws that protect individual rights aligned with the teachings of Priest John Ball.  So, it is my understanding that often the "separation of church and state" is interpreted to mean the government doesn't infringe on individual liberties by forcing anyone to adopt a specific faith.  But, that doesn't mean people of good faith are banned from public participation.  That may be upsetting for some who wish people of good faith were banned from public participation.  But, the USA isn't just for people acting in bad faith, so, moral majority here and sometimes queer and proud of it!  Make sense?]

10.  Why does your church not forgive rapists, human traffickers, and frauds excluding them from service according to your bylaws?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary:  Jesus said "“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."  Source: King James Version Matthew 18:6.  And, Jesus, did this according to my understanding and interpretation of Matthew 8:28-34, drove the demons of sin into a herd of "long pigs" and sent them to their death in the sea.  "Long pigs" being a euphemism for people who rape children in the name of God and then in doing so turn them away from God because such rapists are false prophets and described properly as pigs.  In other places of the Bible you see people compared to animals including dogs, lions, and other creatures.  It is not outside the realm of reasonable argument to maintain that Jesus vigilante-style killed a bunch of CHOMOS feeling it was justifiable homicide but failing to recognize that the specific crime had not yet been encoded into the laws or was not being effectively enforced according to his judgment.  So, it is my position that rapists specifically are people even Jesus would kill and his own actions as recorded in the Bible based on my understanding support that position.  This is why to me Jesus is a superhero even though others may view him as an antihero because of his vigilantism.  And, while small trespasses or slights like interrupting someone before they've finished their point where they apologize for being impolite and you forgive because we all do that at times and so in judging yourself you say "I do that sometimes, so, I understand and I forgive you", that's being reasonable and understanding what Jesus meant by forgiving those who honestly repent where you judge others to the extent you judge yourself to avoid hypocrisy.  But, where someone rapes you and you think "I'd never do that.  That's evil.  That's between you, God, possibly Satan, the victims, and the Justice System" and that's the difference.  Jesus wouldn't rape anyone.  Jesus would kill you if he knew you did it.  But, COPE Ministries places our trust in law enforcement and empowering victims to pursue justice rather than end up being crucified like Jesus in some way for vigilantism.  So, as followers or friends of Jesus, we support his position and to avoid vigilantism trust law enforcement while honoring his position in at least artfully stating that you are at least getting Cain's consequences at our church in the event the Justice System fails.  So, if you were convicted of rape and did your time, you are no longer a rapist unless you would do it again.  The information on recidivism is that there is a 83% chance you'll do it again and a 17% chance you won't do it again.  That means there is a 8.3 in 10 chance you'll rape and possibly seek victims who are virtuous and willing to give you a second chance because they take you at your word.  And, that means there is a 1.7 in 10 chance you won't do it and can be trusted.  Our church is devoted to the victims and protecting victims and the innocent.  So, based on the Bureau of Justice Statistics on recidivism rates and Jesus' position that you should get the death penalty, not willing in most cases to give the benefit of the doubt given you've already proven to be a threat by your own actions.  So, I personally am willing to look at the facts of your case and make my own decision about whether to give you a second chance or first chance with our church.  For example, if you were 13 years old and "in love" with another 13 year old and you both were convicted of statutory rape of the other but both had consented and didn't feel you'd been raped and think the law is bullshit and shouldn't try you both as rapists for raping each other just because of the statute and perhaps even later married each other, then of course you'd be welcome.  But, if you were 38 and raped a 2 year old and you were convicted of that, you are not welcome and I honestly think the death penalty would be appropriate in your case.  Does that make sense?  Now, the Bible is a bit #TaoFu when it comes to slavery.  Moses liberates the Hebrews from being enslaved by Egypt.  But, then Leviticus talks about how to discipline slaves where you kind of hope Moses and the Hebrews understood that slavery was wrong because they didn't like it when they were slaves and wouldn't continue the practice or suggest it is acceptable.  But, I'm a liberation theologist of sorts and I personally think the Hebrews were being a bit hypocritical and admit the Bible is written by imperfect men and that the laws of many nations, including the US, have attempted to correct the issue without offending anyone except those convicted of crime.  That's very Christian of the US Constitution.  And, personally I think slavery is an appropriate punishment for those convicted of human trafficking.  So, I'm opposed to human trafficking and as stated previously am agreeable with Romans on obeying the government as long as it is a Republican government organized under the US Constitution where "We the People" are also authorities and have a reasonable means of petitioning for redress of grievances including changes to the laws through legislative bodies and overturning laws that are unconstitutional through the court system.  So, what about prostitutes?  Do I consider prostitution a form of trafficking yourself if you consent?  No, I do not.  I define human trafficking as trafficking of other people for sex or labor (including children) that are not you where you benefit and they are not compensated and involuntarily forced or coerced to serve you until they can escape or get rescued and have not been convicted of human trafficking beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.  I believe anyone who would ever do that is confused, hypocritical, and/or at least responding to vicious misconduct in kind which suggests retribution and there is room for debate on where to draw the line.  And, with fraud, please watch "American Greed" on CNBC or old episodes.  There are so many charlatans who promise the world for a price and rip off people of good faith in the process.  We don't want them at our church and they will likely be too afraid to make their pitch for access to our congregation anyway given our bylaws.  But, frauds deceive for vicious gain in all areas of vice they lie to manipulate and steal.  And, fraud itself has deception built-in so when you stand before the doors of the church, leave all falsehood outside or else you will be exposed in front of a large crowd once you enter.  COPE Ministries serves the Absolute TRUTH and the 8th Commandment of the old testament is the cornerstone of our church.  You can show you've repented from previous crimes by not committing them again and if the crime is fraud, deception is built-in and co-dependents, people with PTSD, and all people of good faith who want a safe place to congregate, do good works, and act in good faith, really don't need it and don't want it.  So, basically, I find rape, human trafficking, and fraud abominations, some of which Jesus himself would kill you for committing, and believe to honor Jesus it's best we avoid each other unless you've truly repented.  But, given our congregation would likely be uncomfortable giving you the benefit of the doubt where evidence suggests maybe it's too big a risk to those recovering from narcissistic abuse in our congregation, we'd advise you consider another church.  You can risk it, but, be sure you've repented because some of us are very intuitive and it could get ugly and no one wants that, right?  Also, I ask really good questions and can spot liars fairly quickly.  So, it's up to you and if you feel you are not a hypocrite and have repented with a willingness to fully commit to honesty, TRUTH, and all the virtues, I might give you a chance.  But, I also know the odds are not in your favor.  10 to 1.7 you don't get that chance.  But, I'm just one church and I'm sure others are still out there that ignore facts and will place blind faith in your lip service while going into denial when you commit more crimes where they cover it up to avoid looking foolish and fail to watch any soap operas ever which reveal that the truth always comes out and is much worse when you don't just live transparently to the best of your ability, admit imperfection, and hold criminals accountable.  I also believe some of Jesus' statements during crucifixion were sarcastic and a callback to his Jewish heritage in being sarcastic.  He knew God didn't forsake him and he was mocking the narcissists who judged him by asking.  He knew he succumbed to Wrath when he killed the CHOMOS and vandalized the Temple.  He also thought those who crucified him were hypocrites who didn't understand the law, purpose of the law, or the glory of God.  You can also look at it as his feeling his actions were justified and since he was a true believer or God's son that he could exercise Wrath without consequence just like his father.  But, the justice system of his day, similar to our own, said that's between you and God in eternity whether your Wrath was God's or with God's consent.  And, I think given Jesus' posthumous popularity we know.  God loves Jesus.  So, you know how some people bomb abortion clinics?  They feel it is justified and often still confess respecting and understanding it was unlawful, there's a penalty at law, and also feeling God understands and forgives because it was God's wrath where some person acted as the "Hand of God" to save the innocent.  And, I think those people are true believers and practicing their faith as they understand it.  But, you know how they are different than rapists, human traffickers, and frauds?  They often, if not always, confess and honestly admit to their crimes to the proper authorities and face the consequences just like Jesus.  And, that's all out in the open, not sequestered in a confessional booth where you say "Hail Mary" and pay lip service and basically otherwise get away with it.  Jesus would not be cool with that and the Bible in context tells you so.]

11.  Referring to the church bylaws and number 10 question and commentary, what if the person accused was falsely accused?

[Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: COPE Ministries serves God and God is the Absolute Truth.  That has been made clear.  So, in many jurisdictions of the USA you can be charged with the crime where you've falsely accused someone else in an official police report.  So, those making false allegations assume the risk of being convicted and sentenced as if they committed the crime of which they've falsely accused someone else.  To the extent reasonable doubt exists or there is sufficient evidence supporting the report made, even if it itself fails to convince the objective court beyond a reasonable doubt, it may be sufficient to create reasonable doubt regarding the falsity of the complaint.  Therefore, no conviction for filing a false report gives merit to believing the victim given the risks involved with reporting in the first place.  Now, if someone takes a plea deal for any reason on any charge, they've forfeited their right to appeal or claim innocence unless they wish to admit they lied under oath in claiming to be guilty in taking the plea deal.  And, then, that person is confessing to having committed perjury while sworn to tell the truth, and whole truth, so help them God.  So, in that instance, they made an arrangement or vow before God to tell the whole truth and did not where not doing so would result in God not being helpful.  So, don't take plea deals.  Angela Davis pled not guilty to the charge of murder.  She was convicted.  She appealed and the appelate court overturned her sentence/ruling and set her free.  Davis trusted in the Truth and didn't self-negate by lying under oath and taking a plea deal.  And, if not guilty, go to trial.  So, if found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and you are innocent, appeal it, don't give up.  If you are guilty, then there's been no false accusation because you are guilty.  If you get psyched out by the system or your own prejudices regarding preconceived bias you assume the courts to hold against you for any reason, that's on you.  Don't get psyched out.  Play it like a game and do not forfeit unless you know you already lost because you are guilty.  And, if some whore sets up one of your friends and then uses them as a human shield at any hearing or court situation and you take the hit to protect your friend from charges of perjury by omitting facts that would exonerate yourself and resolve the matter, accept you are perhaps too generous to your friends and know generosity is a Virtue and God forgives.  And, that if you make the truth known for the court of public opinion, then, the public may or may not forgive but will likely understand.  But, don't then turn around and blame the system.  That's not fair and a bit hypocritical in context.  So, if you are innocent always plead not guilty and go to trial.  If you are guilty, don't pull this shit on me or our church claiming innocence.  I personally have reported multiple crimes to law enforcement, some of which I am a direct victim and some of which I was reporting for third-parties where evidence of crime was provided to me and they were too intimidated to report it themselves.  The third-party reports are considered hearsay and weren't acted upon to my knowledge.  Where I've been a direct victim, sometimes the prosecutor has found sufficient evidence to prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt and sometimes the prosecutor has felt there were too many suspects and though I've identified two effectively, I can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt who did what because they were cybercrimes and my system is regularly compromised sometimes by foreign IP addresses from Sweden, China, Russia, and India, so outside the jurisdiction for US authorities to investigate or prosecute.  I have multiple hardware and software firewalls and two compatible anti-malware/anti-virus programs that are always active.  But, no amount of security can protect from all threats regardless of whether virtual or corporeal in nature.  So, I do my best and while I'd really like someone held accountable for those crimes to send a message, I understand proving who did what beyond a reasonable doubt is nearly impossible given the issues with my system and number of entities or individuals who find interfering with it appealing, interesting, or otherwise serves some purpose they have even though it is illegal and like raping my computer.  So, in such cases, while I'm frustrated I can't send such a message and get justice, I'm okay with that as long as victims of violent crime are given priority.  And, they are, but, we need to look at funding investigative units and DNA testing centers so there is no Rape Kit backlogs delaying and sometimes denying justice for victims while the perpetrator just walks free and perhaps rapes other people and harasses some of the victims into recanting.  So, justice should be more swift and in serious crimes like rape, murder, and maiming, speed it up and make the streets at least feel safer where we've identified a clear threat with sufficient evidence for a conviction.  So, because of my experiences as a victim who has a good case, but, can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt for a conviction, and has lost no money so can't really get damages in civil suit and would be suing on principle which requires paying a retainer because lawyers don't work for free on principle on cybercrime-related issues, I understand that the prosecutors actually require victims prove beyond a reasonable doubt before they'll even indict anyone or press charges, unless corrupt.  And, if corrupt, you do like Angela Davis and you stand your ground and appeal to a higher court.  Don't give up.  If you give up, be reasonable and understand you now look guilty of the charges because you admitted to being guilty of the charges if you took a plea deal.  So, asking anyone to believe you are not guilty negates your own claims in taking the plea deal and brings into question your credibility on all matters.  But, if there is a reasonable explanation with supporting facts and evidence, I'll consider it.  And, if found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and losing on your appeals, I'd need to take a look at all the evidence and court transcripts.  With Jason Dean in Ohio who was convicted of murder because a teen used his gun to kill a third-party where Dean wasn't at the scene of the crime and did not authorize the use of the weapon by the teen, I felt it was unjust to give him the death penalty.  But, I looked at the court records and researched the case, spoke with Dean and the teen who committed the crime, and reasonably decided my own position on it.  And, I created a petition to get him a new trial and he got one.  I don't know the outcome of that at this time.  I just know he got a new trial.  So, I'm reasonable, but, not a total soft touch and not a soft touch at all where someone comes to me and says "I am a rapist and you are a Christian, you must forgive me and absolve me of my crimes and treat me like none of that ever happened."  No, I don't have to do that.  In fact, Jesus would kill you and it's up to the victims and God whether or not to forgive you.  I only speak for myself and I trust in God and serve God.  And, that's between you and the victims and God.  For myself, when raped I want the rapist to die.  I don't want them living and fantasizing about me or able to target me or do it again in any way to me or anyone else.  I feel much better with the idea they die.  And, that's not suggesting eternal damnation.  If there is a spark of virtue left in them that I can't recognize or see because of the horror of their actions, I think that spark of virtue continues or goes to heaven and the evil vicious crap just dies when the body dies.  So, then that little spark of virtue is welcomed by God and there's nothing to forgive because the other shit was purely beastly and showed a severe lack of self-discipline to the point it caused criminal harm to me or others.  So, I'm saying Instant Karma/Reap What You Sow here and now with sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt you did it and your own admission of guilt or conviction, is hell on earth.  And, if a jury thinks it is appropriate, I'm inclined to agree because we are all equals.  And, I recognize the fallibility of all human systems, but, recognize it's a better option than bloody tribal warfare like the Hatfields and the McCoys where the only justice system is vigilantism and people hold grudges forever until it looks like World War III, but, way less organized and more scary like Mad Max: Fury Road.  So, bottom line, if falsely accused, we believe the person who falsely accused would be in prison for filing a false police report or sued for libel per se if there is sufficient evidence to prove your innocence and that the other party is lying.  For example, Angela Davis was actually provably not in the city and nowhere near the scene of the crime for which she was charged.  She had receipts and ticket stub(s) for where she was and witnesses proving she wasn't at the scene of the crime and couldn't have been the perpetrator.  Those receipts/ticket stub(s) were ruled inadmissible evidence by the lower court.  She appealed.  It took 3 years.  She was released and is now a well respected author and college professor.  So, I suppose we should find out if the person who claimed Davis did it was ultimately charged with the crime for filing a false police report.  If not, why not?  Prosecutorial discretion.  Remember the law protects all of us equally from it, not by it according to the equal protection clause depending on jurisdiction.  So, the standards of evidence remain the same for finding guilt or fault and never forfeit or take plea deals unless you are guilty or it is a civil matter and you don't mind the loss just to avoid the hassle of going to court.  Ever been blocked in by a meter maid and then given a ticket even though you were at your car and trying to move it before the meter ran out?  I have been so blocked in while in Downtown Seattle.  I didn't have a camera or recording device at the time so could not prove she did that.  She did.  The ticket was $15 and I was given the option to take a day off of work and go to court to dispute it or pay the $15.  I used a Daffy Duck rubberstamp to decorate the envelope and it said "You're Despicable".  But, I paid it.  I put in a note about the fact the meter maid blocked me and that it was unjust but that I would lose more by taking a day off work than gained by disputing the ticket.  So, paying it was fiscally reasonable but on principle it wasn't and reasonably I couldn't prove she did that because I didn't have a camera to capture the evidence.  Had I had a camera and recorded all of it, I would've taken the day off work and disputed it on principle.  So, lots of variables to consider, right?  Be diligent, patient, and save your receipts and record as much as you can if you have reason to believe you may need to prove something at some point using any of those items.  And, my faith is in GOD, you are not GOD.  I have faith in GOD.  I require factual evidence in areas of controversy involving living matter whether human or not.  And, I think for myself.  So, I do my best to set my emotions aside and just consider facts as objectively as possible.  And, if you try to tap my emotions where I'm trying to be reasonable, I consider that manipulative if you are doing it to gain something from me.  So, no emotional or guilt-tripping or taking Jesus out of context to claim I must be forgiving if Jesus would've killed you. And, no taking it on faith when you claim you are innocent if the evidence convinces me beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty.  So, if truly innocent or as innocent as me or Charlie Sheen, sure.  If as innocent as Angela Davis, of course.  If guilty of lying for sure and likely other crimes for which you now want people to just pretend they didn't happen, that's narcissistic behavior.  People who take responsibility for their actions accept that people are reluctant to give them a second chance because of their record and understanding of what that means as perceived by others in light of all the facts.  People who just want to control others will just demand forgiveness and find the nearest faith-based co-dependent to manipulate into believing their bullshit so they can use them too.  So, if you are a narcissistic oppressor, you are not welcome and your lies won't fly here.  But, if you made an honest mistake for which you've taken responsibility and self-corrected in or out of a prison environment, then you didn't ask question 11.  Addendum: I'll do you one better.  If you've been falsely accused and refused service or rejected by COPE Ministries as a result of a false accusation that you've raped, trafficked people for sex and/or labor, and/or are a fraud, e-mail me at and notify me of that fact.  I'll reply in concordance with COPE Church bylaws and the FAQ commentary here.  You will then be able to sue for libel per se with your damages being that you were denied church services as a result of the false allegation.  And, if you file such a suit and win, even on principle, we'll accept that the allegations against you were false and apologize for our own honest mistake.  Otherwise, assume we've considered both sides and believe the victims.  And, when victims are more perpetrators than victims (see question 7 above), we don't take kindly to their bullshit and fully defend and exonerate Charlie Sheen and all who've been falsely accused.]

12.  Why do you support at ?

[Minister Angela Smith's commentary:  It's reciprocal and is awesomely transparent and charitable!  In fact, though not listed as meeting the Honesty In Marketing Standards at , meets them to the extent and beyond that we do at COPE Ministries.  See, encourages and welcomes both critical and complimentary feedback and does most everything quite publicly facing media scrutiny with every move.  That's beautiful and truly representative of what I believe a liberated marketplace would look like from the consumer's perspective.  Beyond that, every time prior to February 20th, 2023 I shopped at for church supplies which include providing emotional support and learning materials to the ignorant and under-privileged, proceeds go to Food Animal Concerns Trust providing actual reasonable support including financial and volunteer assistance to alleviate animal suffering on factory farms and more for the betterment of everyone's health.  And, when you use our link, some proceeds go to our church.  So, I also have to mention Jeff Bezos and donating office space to Mary's Place which is featured on our Resources guide at because that's awesome too!  He's willing to hire the homeless like my friend Charles who worked security at Amazon and soon got his own apartment after being given a chance by Jeff Bezos.  So, while I've heard some criticism, overall I think he leads by example like a champ and I'd be happy if he would be honored to be considered an #HonoraryProselytizer too.]

13.  Why and/or how is John Lennon an inspiration for COPE Ministries as referenced at ?

[Minister Angela Smith's commentary: I believe people misunderstood John Lennon's sense of humor and that they fail to recognize he was mocking and criticizing charlatans, not promoting them.  This may be best exemplified by the tweet thread here:  And, that tweet thread includes the article here (see screenshot below for a portion of it):


So, I think John Lennon exemplified most, if not all, the virtues and as a man of peace chose to humorously mock frauds and charlatans artfully rather than engage in militantism.  And, that is the how and why of the inspiration from my perspective. ]

14.  What denomination is the Church Of Philosophical Exploration (COPE) Ministries?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: COPE is an Independent Wycliffite Church.  For additional information see and/or the screenshot below:


14.  Why did you remove the "Helpful Tips" page from your site?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: It was redundant as all the tips that were there for the most part are included elsewhere on the site and a little too judgy/preachy in some ways at times where the purpose was to be helpful.  I wrote that page when I was annoyed with someone I was assisting who was homeless or seeking emergency shelter and services, but, being very demanding and attempting to be an authority over my actions in some ways which I didn't care for and that page was in large part my response and way of processing so I didn't end up in a bigger confrontation while able to send that link to that person once the page was created and ask him/her to read it.  But, I did like some of it that isn't available elsewhere that I'll provide in my comments here with their original numericals on the Helpful Tips page in case you miss them:

Helpful Tip #4.  Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a biblical concept spoken by Jesus in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12; it is commonly referred to as the "Golden Rule.""  If you wouldn't want everyone around you treating you like a servant or cash machine, then don't treat others that way.  And, if you raise your children without teaching them self-discipline and responsibility it is really evil to then just turn them over to strict draconians (worse yet Machiavellians) or child traffickers where you believe their false advertising and just want relief rather than having one of the conversations featured in the links available at end of #3 above (which are/were: and But, narcissistic parents are prone to believe bullshit and look for easy answers without asking questions and if they find an exceptional (gifted) or special (developmentally disabled) child too challenging, they'll do something the vast majority of parents and members of society are horrified about when they learn of it.  That's why so many horror movies cover the subject.  Mrs. Voorhees was the murderer in "Friday the 13th" the original and slaughtered all the negligent camp counselors who failed to supervise Jason resulting in his drowning.  But, she's a prime example of narcissism.  She wants Jason out of her hair.  He's weird.  She sends him to camp and then he dies.  Did she look into the camp?  Check their credentials?  Check licensing?  Offer to volunteer to supervise and help?  Did she even tour the grounds and did she sign any documents where she indemnified the camp against all liability up to and including death while assuming all the risk and avoiding all responsibility at the same time?  Well, regardless, as a narcissist she doesn't consider those things when she learns of Jason's death.  She decides to fully succumb to Wrath and murder all the camp counselors who negligently let her son die.  Then, poor Jason feels nagged back to consciousness/undead "life" by his narcissistic mother and continues the campaign of Wrath because holding her accountable or standing up to her is too difficult and he can't kill her because she's dead at that point too.  And, that's why meeting up with Freddy is important because Freddy assumes the personage of Mrs. Voorhees to try to manipulate and control Jason.  Jason has had enough of that by that point and when he kills Freddy it's like finally killing his mother.  But, the point here is that if you are a parent or legal guardian of anyone whether age of minority or seniority (as opposed to majority) and don't exercise due diligence as a result of being too self-absorbed you may end up like Mrs. Voorhees and your child may end up just like Jason or even Michael from "Halloween" or like me (Rev. Minister Angela Smith) if particularly committed to Truth and Virtue rather than feeding the beast of narcissism or letting it manipulate or control you in any way.  (For more on the importance and relevance of "Freddy v. Jason" in regards to recent or current newsworthy events, please see this thread:  If not on Twitter or unable to see the entire thread in sequence for any reason, click here for a copy of thread as shown at date and time shown while understanding more comments or other changes may have occurred since the copy was saved/preserved.

Helpful Tip #8.  A tip on avoiding hypocrisy and temptation to vice/viciousness.  First, people of good faith at minimum choose to be more virtuous than vicious in our life choices.  And, I (Rev. Minister Angela Smith) call that commitment #TaoFu at times, but, also use that to describe symmetry, balance, reflection, synchronicity, and other things.  It's just what I call it and you can call it whatever you like or works for you.  So, with the Yin/Yang symbol of Taoism I see the mostly dark side as arguably vicious and the mostly light side as arguably virtuous as one way to contemplate that symbol and if you feel that's racist I believe you are prejudice and looking to read into what I've stated something I did not intend and therefore are arguably hypocritical.  I'm full spectrum and my heritage includes, but may not be limited to: African American ("Black"), Dutch, British, French, Cherokee, Creek, Italian, and Irish (with some somewhat questionable statements regarding Blackfoot heritage as well).  So, as a result I know I'm not being racist in my description of the symbol referenced and encourage those reading this who read it that way to feel free to switch out the light for the dark in regards to corresponding themes.  Now, returning to #TaoFu with how I see it.  The vicious side has a spot of light which I see as Virtue (what some may call "Namaste" or recognizing life itself or reverence for life as a bare minimum to recognize potential for virtue even where no other evidence exists in the lifeform considered at the moment) and when that Virtue is surrounded by Vice/Viciousness it is tempted to Wrath which corresponds with the little dark spot on the mostly light side of the Yin/Yang symbol.  So, Wrath itself is a vice and the primary vice to which virtuous people of good faith typically are tempted when confronted by the vicious.  The #TaoFu or corresponding virtue necessary to control or manage temptation to Wrath is patience.  And, I've found often my own irritability at times or frustration is a result of impatience.  So, one of the ways I remain patient is masturbation, though that's likely not your business.  And, depending on the level of stress of your daily life more patience may be required of you than others at times.  So, being consciously and conscientiously aware of your own temptation to any vice (including and especially Wrath if of good faith) and actively choosing to be patient in response to temptation, for the sake of honest reason and justice, is #TaoFu recognizing common humanity and individuality.  It's maybe a little existential, but, hopefully clear enough.  I'm totally willing to clarify.  E-mail me at  if you have a comment or question.  You may wish to see our Feedback page before initiating contact.  And, #TaoFu is how I imperfectly avoid hypocrisy, but, do my best.  H.H. Dalai Lama is way better at it in my humble opinion.

Helpful Tip #9.  Build, develop, and/or maintain critical thinking skills.  Critical thinking assists with problem-solving which is helpful in all areas of life.  Check out and  [Special Note: Rev. Minister Angela Smith got a score of 100% and/or 20 correct out of 20 possible at].  And, if you are ready to solve some puzzles, check out  If you beat Rev. Minister Angela Smith's score, let her know.  And, if you solve the same puzzle more than once before beating the score below, you can omit or reveal that. 


15.  Do detoxes and cleanses make you gain weight?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary:  I believe they do and that belief is supported by this: "Most detox programs are very low in calories. So if you’re eating less, you lose weight...The drastic decrease in calories, often below your needs, can have other consequences: 1. Fatigue and mood swings: Not regularly eating can cause your blood-sugar levels to go down. You generally feel tired, foggy, moody, irritable, and unwell overall.  2. Weight gain: Without a new supply of calories, your system shifts into starvation mode in an effort to conserve energy. Your metabolism slows, so when you do eventually eat, your body stores everything just in case you decide to drastically cut calories again. And after your detox program is done, there is a good chance you’ll go back to your old habits because you missed them so much. The old habits were problem to begin with."  Source:     

16.  Regarding specifically the Family Court Fact Sheet, what would you do if trauma related to abuse resulted in delayed reporting and were facing your abuser in family court seeking legal guardianship of dependents?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: I'd understand that there is a limited time to file a complaint whether in criminal cases or tort.  I'd understand that if the time for filing such a complaint had expired that there is no point in bringing it up now and think it should be considered water under the bridge.  I'd also understand that very small children have both reported crimes and testified in court against their rapists, abusers, and about crimes they witnessed such as the murder of their parent by the other parent.  The youngest child in the hypertext links, which are acting as cited sources for the statement(s), to report and/or testify against their abuser was 3 years old.  So, if a 3 year old can find the strength and courage to report and testify about abuse they suffered against their abuser in trial court, I feel a competent adult should have the same resolve as the 3 year old as well as understand that family court is not a trial court.  Then, based on objective and honest reasoning I'd equitably split property and any responsibility for dependents with my ex-spouse.  And, I'd demand any settlement include consent from my ex-spouse that our shared dependents can sign up for defense or martial arts class(es) for which the ex-spouse will pay half as an extra-curricular activity.  I'd supplement the defense courses with information on how to properly report crime in the proper jurisdiction within the window for effective reporting.  I'd make a little note or speed-dial for all appropriate emergency numbers and if needed memorize them.  I'd prepare to report immediately any crime including assault, battery, or child abuse to the police at time of occurrence.  And, I wouldn't do anything to suggest that I was coaching or otherwise trying to speak for my child and let my child or the victim (me if it is me) do the talking.  I'd also never intentionally fail to comply with any court orders.]

17.  Why are there so many domains/URLs for the church and mission?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: There are 13 domains associated primarily with the Mission and 9 domains primarily associated with the Church, making a total of 22 domains/URLs. At this time, three domains are set to expire and will not be renewed.  That will leave 19 domains after 7/27/20. is where those watch-list entities/conversion program enrollees that were shut down (aka "died") are buried in the COPE virtual cemetery at .   For many of the additional domains they are redirects from similar URLs (i.e. redirects to ) to a primary URL.  With the Church, the URL was too long and at the time of registration of the first URL/domain, I was unaware .church was an option for a domain.  So, as the site is updated most new links will be to the shorter URL which is and because we're building the site and it is already quite expansive, it is best to keep the other URLs for a number of reasons involving existing links on multiple pages.  It's also meant to be a joke as in "there are many roads to Rome" as a loving mock of the Catholic Church in saying there are many internet paths/directions to COPE including which is in part an homage to "Anarchy TV The Movie" by Jonathan Blank starring Moon Zappa, George Wendt, Dweezil Zappa, Blue Zappa, Ahmet Zappa, Jonathan Penner, Alan Thicke, and more.  And, I believe if people saw that film they would better understand some of the art or humor of my church.] 

18.  Is this a scam?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: First, I always find it interesting that someone who seems to suspect something is a scam asks those they assume to be scamming or may be scamming whether or not it is a scam.  Oxford Languages via Google Definitions defines "Scam" as "a dishonest scheme; a fraud" and "swindle".  Fraud is often defined at law as "theft by deceit".  So, I find it very interesting that someone who suspects dishonesty would simply ask the suspect or suspects if their suspicion is warranted.  The church's mission (HEAL) is one of consumer and victim's advocacy.  Consumer Action (another consumer advocacy effort) started at a church in the 1970s.  The Quaker/Friends Church (of which James Dean was a member/participant), also works on consumer and victim's advocacy issues.  COPE is a church offering church and mission services in good faith.  Evidence of church services include the sermons delivered every week at .  See Conversion Program/HEAL Mission for consumer and victim advocacy.  COPE is registered and approved by the State of WA and all information pertaining to that is at the bottom of (including documents linked through hypertext).  And, my credentials are listed at with a direct link to copies of my credentials at  In addition, the church doesn't discriminate nor deny mission nor church services to anyone based on financial contributions or lack thereof.  But, if you feel finding our materials online and then reading any of it was somehow theft of your time and you believe you were coerced or unduly influenced to read, listen, or participate in any of it, I apologize because the church, mission, and myself operate in good faith with no intentions of stealing your time nor money.  Donations of both are welcome and tax-deductible.  But, objectively clearly not a scam as a matter of law and common sense.  Subjectively, the art of the church may confuse some because the purpose is to actually get you to at least ask yourself that question and exercise due diligence to encourage better consumer habits.  So, good question!]

[God bless!  For those who aren't or weren't following closely on Twitter on September 30th, 2020 into October 1st, 2020, we'd added a question 20 with response and unfortunately the entire FAQs file was wiped out because of the archive search referenced on Twitter.  So, I, Rev. Angela Smith, searched Google for the page and was able to recover 1-18.  Luckily, I also take what some consider an absurd amount of screenshots sometimes to show my capacity for error and how corrections are made which I did with the Q & A for #19 and can provide that below but so it was not lost.  However, all of Q & A #20 will have to be worked on again tomorrow though maybe it is covered effectively with Q & A #19.  Links provided in Q & A #19 shown below are also provided with working links below the screenshot of #19.  Thank you for understanding and special thanks to for making recovery easier and arguably even possible.]

19.  Beyond calling for Divesting and Boycotting alleged "False Prophets", what other methods are employed by the HEAL Mission to create positive change?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Divesting is defined by Oxford Languages via Google as "deprive (someone) of power, rights, or possessions", "deprive (something) of a particular quality", and "rid oneself of something that one no longer wants or requires, such as a business interest or investment."  Those listed as false prophets, including PETA, actively engage in practices intended to deprive others of power, rights, and/or possession.  Many on the watch-list reportedly use dehumanizing humiliation tactics, social deprivation, at times food deprivation to control or dominate their captives or targets.  And, so I see their actions as a form of divesting or attempting to divest in a manner outside of government authority (in most cases) whereby they deprive those responding to emotional cues rather than engaging in critical thinking through deprivation and dehumanization.  I see such actions as denouncing equality and therefore oppose such methods particularly if imposed without due process at law.  At law, everyone's side is heard and evidence weighed objectively.  So, to further reinforce my support of law enforcement and the US Justice System, not only do I (and the mission and church) exercise First Amendment rights to speak out against such practices, we also advise victims of crimes and torts to pursue justice through the courts (AKA seek remedies available at law).  So, since COPE and HEAL Mission (including service recipients/congregants) do not approve of the first two definitions nor do we engage in them, we do approve and engage in the third definition which is what we mean in calling for divestment from those engaged in other forms of divesting.  So, in a manner of speaking, very #TaoFu. 

Boycotting is defined by Oxford Languages via Google as "withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest", "refuse to buy or handle (goods) as a punishment or protest," and "refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event)."  Boycotting is civil and simply involves not giving time or money to any you believe are undeserving or do not warrant further support or praise.  Often, people take being boycotted personally if they are consciously aware of the fact that it is personal and because they are disliked by those engaging in the boycott.  And, civil disobedience remains to the extent the HEAL Mission will go in protest, though I personally feel investigative reporting, consumer advocacy, victim advocacy (assisting with navigating system for redress of grievances at law), and at times legislative reforms as well as moral support go far enough and amount to friendly persuasion (Quaker concept).  Civil is defined by Oxford Languages via Google as "courteous and polite" and "relating to private relations between members of a community; noncriminal."  Disobedience is defined by the same source as "failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority."  Do the concepts cancel each other out when combined?  No, because we all have equal authority unless adjudicated or proscribed otherwise as a matter of law.  And, if competent at law, which is helpful to avoid being adjudicated, you recognize there are rules and penalties for violating rules (i.e. laws) like when playing sports.  Historically shunning, exile, and all sorts of mechanisms in all human societies as established around the world as both a government response and social (public) response.  So, to the extent the Quakers support the conscientious objector option for those who oppose violence and are committed to peaceful co-existence, I support civil disobedience and all legal/noncriminal forms of protest.  And, the mission has at times engaged in peaceful, noncriminal protests around the country in person as well as our virtual campaigns.  Some do not recognize to the extent the entire country has invested in them and treat even over $500,000 in public assistance as if it were nothing.  Some value spending power but not the labor behind it.  And, even though a faith-based, nonprofit, activist church, we still need funding and our minimum annual goal is $12,750 with a grumbling assent in some respects to continue the work if $1800 is reached annually as a result of generous donors like you. 

So, I feel I've effectively answered about Boycotting and Divesting and expanded to include other methods employed that I personally see as lesser included given the definitions of Boycotting and Divesting. 

The good news is COPE and the HEAL Mission receive a lot of in-kind support from volunteers with special skill sets and titles such as Survivor Support and Parent Support (see: Peer Support Specialist), law enforcement, religious authority, and one of our Parent Support volunteers holds a Juris Doctorate and is also a medical professional.  And, that's why their volunteer hours earn a tax-receipt for their time given their special skill sets.  So, clearly we're not being effectively boycotted or divested.  Our volunteers, including myself, are adept and skilled in the fields of consumer and victim advocacy and have over the years streamlined and tailored our victim/survivor protocols to quickly help everyone get justice and easily understand resources, options, and remedies available at law.

So, if you support the work of COPE and/or the HEAL Mission you can participate, volunteer, and/or donate.  And, if not, I won't take it too personally unless you provide feedback, don't donate, and the feedback is an unreasonable statement of protest with no willingness to recognize each other's equality and have a reasonable and honest discussion about matters of controversy.  Thank you for your support and generosity!]

21.  Why on earth would you remove offending entities from the Conversion Program/Watch-List for any reason?

[Rev. Angela Smith's Commentary: The United States of America is a nation of laws and it would seem contrary to serving Truth and Virtue in alignment with the US Constitution to be unjust and unmerciful.  I do understand that those on the watch-list are evidently and/or reportedly unjust and unmerciful.  While the Conversion Program/Watch-List is an artful response to the harms done by those on the watch-list, running it with the same unjust and unmerciful standards arguably reinforces or justifies that depending on what side you are on and I find unmerciful injustice unacceptable therefore refuse to perpetuate it.  So, instead, I've reviewed all the requests and feedback the HEAL Mission has ever received regardless of position or opinions held by those providing feedback or seeking assistance.  This includes requests from civil attorneys, prosecutors, consumers, and journalists.  Civil attorneys are primarily interested in or able to assist when something actionable is still within the statute of limitations and/or sufficient evidence exists to pursue a case.  The same is true of prosecutors in the criminal justice system.  Consumers tend to see any information that is older than 5 years as irrelevant.  And, journalists tend to request (though there are exceptions in the case of documentaries or historical reviews) to hear only from those who were injured in the last 3-5 years.  So, since the goal is to help victims/survivors get justice through the courts and protect the public (i.e. consumers) by warning of fraud and abuse so they don't become victims too, in consideration of all of these factors, there are now three ways off the watch-list or out of the Conversion Program.  Death/Closure remains one way.  Merciful Releases can occur through popular decision of the Sponsors to release the program from the watch-list/COPE Conversion Program and when Sponsors fail to participate in opportunities for redress or even confirming they still want their program enrolled, I make an executive decision as program director/church director.  That executive decision (similar to a presidential pardon (not clemency)) is based on three criteria.  The criteria for merciful release is Sponsors' failure to participate, when most recent complaint was received, and most recent complaint was outside of any reasonably legally actionable timeframe based on how long records are required by law or by standard of practice to be maintained in the state where the offender operates.  To be as fair as possible the standard bearer on the retention of records requirement is how long medical records must be kept in each state rather than academic records.  For example, in Nebraska, disciplinary academic records are only required to be kept for 3 years and then expected to be destroyed, but, medical records is 10 years in Nebraska.  So, it seems from any activist angle that any church or activist should be at least as merciful as the government.  If not, really gives a good basis for everyone to love the government and fear activists which is counterproductive if working on social change as an activist.  In addition, if any records about any incidents (including abuse or medical documentation) no longer exist and the only evidence remaining is witnesses and/or the victim's own memory of events, it is difficult, but, not impossible to still get justice if there are enough credible witnesses and other factors such as any exception to the statutes of limitation in any specific case. 

So, the flip side of that is I, the church, and mission assume the risk of providing sanctuary and platform for those who allege torts and crimes at offending programs where if it could be proven false and to have caused harm (i.e. financial loss) we could be sued and for us it isn't worth the risk where Sponsors don't participate and/or can't help fund the church/mission so we have the resources to defend the mission/church in part by making FOIA requests to get corroborative independent objective evidence regarding conditions at any offending entity.  You'll notice in 2010, we fought back and after PCS/UHS Inc withdrew, didn't get to countersue for abuse of process with no final judgment with prejudice in our favor because of the withdrawal.  So, we ended up negative over $10,000 (forfeited my law school tuition and career goals to defend free speech and the rights of survivors/victims) on that one alone and really haven't recovered but still care enough to keep up the work to try to protect the public and rescue anyone being defrauded and abused.  You can also see that we go to court against entities on the watch-list from time-to-time to defend the right to free speech.  And, that cost over $2500 in Summer of 2019.  So, I have faith in the work of the HEAL Mission and COPE.  And, I also understand that merciful release and graduation actually help us in the event we have to continue defending ourselves in court for any reason.  And, if Sponsors don't participate out of court when opportunities are presented, it is difficult to imagine they will be there in court.  This is one reason we ask for the federal declaration/under penalty of perjury format for statements by Sponsors where they wish to remain anonymous and have privacy respected.  Whether you wish to participate in and/or support the work of HEAL Mission and COPE is up to you.  But, I'm not going to subject myself or other volunteers to unreasonable risks where objectively most people would wonder why and then realize it involves human trafficking, rape, and other crimes just to then wonder why those crimes weren't reported to law enforcement or if reported, why the offender is still open. 

The good news is, final reports explaining the allegations received are being included in the Conversion Program Merciful Release/Progress Reports at and so there is still a note on the history and representation for all the victims who reported abuses to HEAL Mission to ask we close their program down and/or at least warn others.  If you think the HEAL Mission and/or COPE should do more while you do nothing but suggest how we should do things to suit you better, kind of want to put you on the watch-list if that's the case.  But, if you are like the majority who ask for help who just don't know where to start and really feel the public should be warned and divesting/boycotting is warranted, enroll your entity, participate, and please give if you can though we understand human trafficking victims (particularly trafficked as children and now homeless) started out with empty pockets, ended up with less than that, and are now in need of help without knowing who to trust while looking to avoid being harmed further.  Thank you.]

22.  What HEAL Mission Blog Articles? 

[Rev. Angela Smith's Commentary: My last four articles for the blog got 0 reads or that's what my blog stats showed.  I thought I'd help out Google a bit too by freeing up some space.  Anyway, I'll give you some of them and you'll see I've been religious the whole time.  See,,,,, and  And, I'm still deeply religious.] 

23.  How does COPE show ecumenical respect to other faiths and denominations?

[Rev. Angela Smith's Commentary: First, I'd recommend reading to understand more about the reasons to be ecumenical and how that is supported by scripture recognized by the church.  COPE is a "little Mormon" and a "little Catholic" though I think the Mormons are mocking the Catholics or just trying to improve upon the model, hard to say.  The way COPE is a "little Mormon" is the posthumous "Baptism" as Independent Wycliffite churches as COPE Co-Founders Priest John Ball and Priest John Wycliffe though I sincerely believe they are with me in this every step of the way.  COPE is a "little Jehovah's Witness" because the crucifix is offensive and I agree we should all see committment to Truth and Virtue (God) as the message with respect to how even the slightest hint of self-righteous indignation in the wrong social circle can get you killed.    COPE is a "little Pentecostal" in recognizing everyone as having equal access to God where if moved to testify should be given the floor or share it in a cacophony of testimony so God's presence fills the room.  COPE believes in recognizing that everyone who wishes to testify should be given equal opportunity to do so and share their truth (honest, including intellectually honest understanding of facts and context).  But, COPE differs from the Pentecostal's in many ways including by believing we should all share one at a time so we can compare messages and fact check in the event anything was lost in translation or transmission.  COPE's a "little Catholic" because of the whole virtue vs. vice and #TaoFu.  Seven deadly sins (vices) and seven holy virtues.  That's Catholic and a big part of how I've developed #TaoFu.  But, H. H. Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism is also a big part of how I developed #TaoFu as is Aikido (though applied abstractly).  So, I'm a little Tibetan Buddhist too.  And, a little Taoist.  I love Sufism too.  Sufism is also a big part of #TaoFu and how I understand God and the many names of God.  I don't want to leave anyone out.  I don't believe atheists exist.  The reason is that I believe God is the Truth and that the Truth is indestructible with two objective conditions when considered by others which are known or unknown.  So, God can either be known or unknown based on my understanding of what the word God means.  Since the word God can be known even if nothing else can be known or proven, we know the Word exists and the Word is God. John 1:1 KJV.  So, you either know Words or you don't, if you don't no one should expect you to know any including God.  Simplified, you are an agnostic or a gnostic, that's it.  Theologians rule and theosophists are morons.  "The usual meaning of gnostikos in Classical Greek texts is "learned" or "intellectual", such as used by Plato in the comparison of "practical" (praktikos) and "intellectual" (gnostikos).[note 1] Plato's use of "learned" is fairly typical of Classical texts."  Source:  So, I'm a Gnostic and I accept and recognize some are Agnostics.  If you are of good faith (exhibited by good works evidencing a commitment to Truth (honesty, including intellectual honesty) and Virtue (compassion, love, mercy, kindness, justice, fairness, etc)) then I feel we are of the same faith regardless of storefronts and cultural influences.  And, I can almost guarantee I've found something I like about every religion you can name that I feel has brought me closer to God (Truth and Virtue).  But, it would really take too long and if keeping up with my offerings, writings, and reading recommendations likely already feel a bit behind but have found something of interest to consider or explore.  If you are of bad faith (exhibited by bad works evidencing a commitment to Deception (dishonesty, including intellectual dishonesty) and Vice (cruelty, injustice, hate, greed, vanity, oppression, etc)) then all I have to say to you is #WhatCheneySaid.  That's as polite as I can be.]

24.  What does the Wycliffe Bible say about being Vegan?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Actually, the Wycliffe Bible makes more sense even if you take it out of context on the directives to humanity and Noah specifically.  Many Vegans/Vegetarians use Genesis 1:29-30 and 9:4 to claim that God commands veganism/vegetarianism.  This is simply not the case.  The Bible says we are to share all with each other and never kill other humans nor engage in cannibalism.  That's the actual rule as I understand it.  Wycliffe: Genesis 1:29-30: "And God seide, Lo! Y haue youe to you ech eerbe berynge seed on erthe, and alle trees that han in hem silf the seed of her kynde, that tho be in to mete to you; 30 and to alle lyuynge beestis of earthe, and to ech brid of heuene, and to alle thingis that ben moued in erthe, and in whiche is a lyuynge soule, that tho haue to ete, and it was doon so."  My (Rev. Smith's) Translating from Middle English to Modern English: "And God said, "Lo! I have given to you each herb bearing seed on earth, and all trees that have in themselves the seed of her kind, that those be given to you (mete means to "measure out" and can also refer to a punishment at law) and to all living beasts of earth, and to each bird of the heavens, and to all things that move upon the earth, and in which is a living soul, that thou have to eat, and it was done so."  Genesis 9:4 "Outakun that ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood,"  It was part of a longer directive to Noah that was against cannibalism in times of scarcity.  It goes on to say "Y schal seke the blood of youre lyues of the hoond of alle vnresonable beestis and of the hoond of man, of the hoond of man and of hys brother Y schal seke the lijf of man.  Who euere schedith out mannus blood, his blood schal be sched; for man is maad to the ymage of God."  (Full passage Genesis 9:4-6)  So, what I got out of that is that cannibalism and murdering another human being is punishable by death because all people are made in God's image so any taking of life will be visited with the death penalty.  So, it is okay to eat anything not poisonous to you personally because otherwise it would be harming yourself or potentially taking a human life and not okay to engage in cannibalism (human killing and/or eating humans).  If you kill another human you get the death penalty.  That's my understanding of the referenced passages.]

25.  How can I better manage my weight for optimum health?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: The best answer and guide is provided in 8/28/22 sermon on eating disorders.  I'm not a medical doctor, but, have experience with weight management.  So, this is lay advice.  From the 8/28/22 sermon: "1. What is your healthy weight range according to medical science? (CDC changed their site and no longer provide the healthy weight range info with their BMI calculator results.) My doctor says you can calculate your optimal weight by attributing 100 pounds to 5'0" and by adding 5 pounds for each additional inch of height over 5'0".  So, if you are 5'6", your optimal weight would be 130-132 pounds.  2. How many calories based on your actual activity level should you consume to maintain your optimal weight or chosen healthy weight in the healthy weight range? Find out here: (Enter in the information it asks of you and enter your chosen healthy weight that you wish to maintain as well as your current activity level. To maintain my optimal weight at my current activity level I should consume 1,833 calories per day. So that becomes my daily calorie budget.) Then, I check this guide (no longer available as original source is gone or moved) and see what 30 minute daily activity or activities result in burning how many calories.  So, say I wanted to burn an additional 300 calories per day for healthy, moderated weight-loss.  I could backpack for 30 minutes carrying a 20 pound load.  I could do low impact aerobic dance for 30 minutes and later do 90 minutes of house-cleaning (i.e. vacuum, windows, scrub floors, etc).  And, that would burn approximately 300 calories, maybe a little more.  That's just if I want to lose weight though.  If I want to maintain my current weight, I just stick to 1,833 calories/day and same activity level.  If I want to gain weight, then I'd get into body-building or simply consume more than 1,833 calories per day without adding any activities to burn off any extra calories.  The other option is to visit and enter in your goal weight or optimum weight with actual height and activity level.  After doing so, only consume the calories needed to maintain your goal weight.  For me, that's 1,833 calories daily and if I go over that I need to up my activity level or otherwise factor that in if doing weekly averages.  Of course, this means estimating or calculating your calories and once you get in the habit of that, you don't really need to take notes because your body will recognize that as normal.  You absolutely do need to eat and engage in some activities if you are a living human being.  If you suffer Pica and eat non-food items (i.e. air, dirt, rocks, paint chips, etc), then you should see a doctor and likely stop doing that.  If you don't eat at all or very little, it is my understanding you may be suffering Anorexia which kills roughly 10,000 people per year.  #HopefullyHelpful.]

26.  How can I test someone's psychic ability who claims to be psychic?

[Rev. Minister Angela Smith's Commentary: Before you pay any fees to anyone claiming such ability or schedule a reading/session, challenge them to a game of "Battleship".  You can do so online for free at .  You will need a way to communicate with the potential psychic online to share the link generated for your specific game to invite them to play and give them the link.  This is done by choosing "friend" rather than "random" which will generate a link to your specific game for you to share with your potential psychic.  You can click "Play" to begin waiting for your opponent (the potential psychic) after you copy and share the link.  Or, you can set it up and wait to see if they show without notifying them at all and if they don't show, then maybe they aren't psychic or are otherwise occupied.   Perhaps play 3 games to make sure it is psychic ability and not dumb luck in the event they don't miss a single shot the first game.  If they miss a lot or appear to be guessing randomly by their misses, they are not psychic or their psychic ability is not of a quality that justifies you pay for their psychic reading or believing it to be true for you.  You should be playing against them in separate rooms, on separate devices, and the further apart the better.  Good luck and God Bless You.]      


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