To return to our homepage, click here. Looking for questions to ponder and/or commentary, click here. Or, keep reading to see or access feedback COPE Ministries and Reverend (but prefer minister for sake of humbleness in solidarity with Priest John Ball and John Wycliffe) Angela Smith have received so far regarding our church. COPE Ministries and/or Rev. Minister Angela Smith will likely respond or comment on most, if not all, feedback and post it all here. You can e-mail with Subject: "Post My Feedback" with any comment, essay, or feedback you'd like to provide. COPE Ministries welcomes both complimentary and critical feedback. The purpose is to take a stand against hypocrisy by admitting human frailty and imperfection while committed to serving the Absolute Truth and All Virtues combined in an Abstract Archetype Minister Angela Smith and many others refer to as GOD who is eternal, perpetual, and heroic perfection.
[NOTE: With e-mail exchanges and feedback, you will want to start with the last page(s) in the document and read to the first (pages) because the messages are printed in descending order with the most recent message first and the first message last as shown. Helpful Tip: To understand context, read things in correct order or sequence of events.]
[Another Note: Two things to keep in mind whether giving or receiving feedback: "The Truth Shall Set You Free" and "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."]
June, 1989: Chaplain Richard Lutz's Feedback
June 9th, 2001: Emerald Downs Feedback (Special Note: This feedback is specifically for Rev. Minister Angela Smith (originally ordained March, 2001) as a result of participation in a protest against Emerald Downs for having an abnormally high death rate among horses that race and a reportedly unsafe track not maintained in a manner that reduces unnecessary risk to the horses.)
October 31st, 2005: Sorensons Ranch School (Layne Bagley) Feedback:
Source: (also see )
September 28th, 2006: Provo Canyon School Feedback (special note, you may also wish to see, and/or .)
May 1st, 2008: Farmer Christian Academy Feedback (special note, you may also wish to see because this one didn't graduate.)
August 11th, 2008: Michele Ulriksen (Tresler) Feedback (In Loving Memory):
December 26th, 2008: Nick Romano (HEAL-New Jersey Mission Coordinator, In Loving Memory):
March 24th, 2010: John Giesler (Former) HEAL IA & MS Mission Coordinator (More Info)
August 15th, 2010: Pathway Family Center(s) Feedback (special note: All Pathway Family Center(s) locations have been closed, they lost all state contracts, and reportedly went bankrupt. They can be found at the virtual cemetery now at . )
February 23rd, 2011: Heidi's Feedback: (special note: The Pennsylvania cases referenced were featured in the documentary "Kids for Cash")
April 14th, 2011: Amanda O'Rear (HEAL-Indiana Mission Coordinator, In Loving Memory):
June 18th, 2012: Jon Martin Crawford Feedback (In Loving Memory):
September 24th, 2012: George Nesbit (Boulder Creek Academy Graduate) Feedback:
Christmas/December, 2016: Thank You Note from Janine at for the scarves and hats Rev. Minister Angela Smith made with love (and yarn made in the USA which is one of the purchases the church and mission makes through Amazon, see to learn more, help, and maybe receive a bonus blessing of your own too) to give to homeless youth.
May, 2017: Calvary Baptist Church in MO Feedback
October, 2019: Koko Face Yoga Feedback
On Christmas Eve 2019 on Twitter (see full thread: Tony From Long Island suggests that the death penalty is not appropriate for child rapists and claims supporting such to be insane. AJ says it would prevent them from doing it again. And, that's a strong argument so COPE Ministries supports AJ's position.
In addition, in response to the blatant hypocrisy of Tony From Long Island on Twitter, Angela Smith created the following poll (you may access and possibly participate if it is still open here: ):
Life Designs/InnerPathWorks/Randy Russell Feedback (E-mail Exchange) (InnerPathWorks has been removed from the watch-list following a vote of all Sponsors where the results were merciful release.)
The following is just a screenshot of a Twitter Poll we did with final results. We consider that feedback in a way too. As you can see, it's a split decision with 20% undecided and the rest split right down between Yes and No and this poll was open to all. And, that may help explain why change is slow, especially where the government has to respect all of us equally when considering our positions and wishes on matters of law. Otherwise, we wouldn't be represented and only some would be while others are not. And, that would be hypocritical and problematic whether you are a a Constitutionalist or Christian or both if in the US. So, you can find that poll at:
Zach K.--Former Client at Now Closed Excel Academy ( ). Click here to read Zach's feedback.
Activism Poll & Twitter Thread On January 22nd, 2020 (Poll Question: Of the following, what is the best reason government doesn't obey activists?):
BioDynamic Breath and Trauma Release, Inc (LLC) Feedback (Removed from watch-list as a result of no complaints and solely being added on the unreliable word of Sacred Breath Academy.)
Anti-HEAL Mission Website: (This one is still operating. It cites which is the Bolthouse run site referenced above and Bolthouse did promote Abundant Life Academy while it was operating under Craig Rogers and you may wish to see which states in part: "The site also quotes from About Abundant Life Academy and "Prosecutor: Christian boarding school employees caught on camera brutally beating teen boy in their care Posted 6:39 AM, October 10, 2014, by Q13 FOX News Staff RICHMOND, Virginia — They are adults charged with the important task of guiding the emotional and spiritual lives of troubled teens, but prosecutors say they abused their power in an horrific way and the entire thing was caught on camera. Authorities say it happened back in April at Abundant Life Academy in Caroline County Virginia. A 14-year-old boy was trying to escape when he was grabbed and mercilessly beaten by three life coaches and a program director, reported WTVR-TV. Source: " So, you can view by visiting that link or view it by clicking the pdf of it here on this site. And, I'd ask that you also view,,,, and .)
Additional Feedback Can Be Found On Many Pages Of The Church and Mission websites, but, the overview is provided at with links to much of it. The other feedback is often found as exchanges with those populating the mission watch-list as linked or copy/pasted on the information pages about those programs on the mission website. And, they pre-date the creation of this page which will continue to host all current and future feedback while links to feedback from programs populating the watch-list that do not meet the Honesty In Marketing standards for removal/approval will be listed here and also added via hyperlink to the information pages on those populating the mission watch-list. You may consider this part of the #FirstAmendmentRevolution intended to help prevent a #SecondAmendmentRevolution. Honesty counts.
The following poll I believe belongs here. And, it can be found at:
Kevin M. Survivor of Victory Christian Academy, click here for feedback.
Isabella R. Survivor of Gateway Freedom Ranch, click here for feedback.
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), click here for feedback.
Ross R. Former client of Straight Arrow Apex in WA and Family of Survivor of John Dewey Academy in MA, click here for feedback.
PETA's Arguable Feedback: (Responding likely to ,, and/or Rev. Angela Smith sent an e-mail to on February 29th, 2020 and did not receive a reply. In reaching out or offering feedback to PETA on Twitter, @peta blocked @heal247 on Twitter. But, that article from PETA was in Rev. Smith's Google news alerts and appears to be the response or Feedback.
Kayla Richard's Feedback (Exchange) (The screenshots in the printed exchange get cut off, so, they are provided below so you can see the full screenshots. The medical record is not included per Richard's suggestion.) Relevant screenshots:
The following screenshots exhibit feedback in the form of 55,622 "thank yous" from victims/survivors of torts and crimes, particularly involving institutionalized abuse. The computer froze before the archive search was complete and so the numbers are not fully representative of the appreciation for the work we do as shown. As a result of many preferring privacy and to not have their information made public, the screenshot is what we're providing and hope others feel comfortable e-mailing in complimentary as well as critical feedback to be posted here. For additional information on appreciation and support for the work done by the church and mission, see .
And, interest in the church has gone up since April, 2020.
Sharon (Parent of Teen Challenge Bonifay, FL Survivor), click here for feedback. Also, see this important Twitter Thread.
March 12th, 2021: Andrey Capelson's Feedback for HEAL Mission, Rev. Angela Smith, and COPE.
March 17th, 2021: COPE Ministries/Rev. Angela Smith's Twitter Account Has Been Suspended But I Can Tweet Again Around Next Wednesday (3/24/21) at 9pm Pacific. Here's why:
I didn't screenshot the offending Tweet, but it simply said "#HappyStPatricksDay, Drink Responsibly, and for Goodness Sake do not drink Flavor Aid especially if laced with cyanide and stop referencing @KoolAid when talking about #Jonestown." It was considered hate speech and encouraging people to self-harm. I didn't appeal it because I think no one actually reads the appeals and they let it all be handled by some matrix of bullshit that doesn't understand nuance or context. So, here's my Twitter penalty:
That's fine, but, if you can tell me what the fuck was wrong with the fucking Tweet or how it promoted self-harm or hate in any way, please send me feedback at with "Post My Feedback" as the subject. Let's talk.
March 22nd, 2021: Rev. Angela Smith's Feedback for Twitter and the Kool Aid Man
April 1st, 2021: Poll Results on Bonus Blessing Opportunities:
June 9th, 2021: Janice C. (formerly Janice M.), Survivor of Happiness Hills in MS, click here for feedback.
July 1st, 2021: Amanda C., Trafficking Victim of Agape Boarding School in MO, click here for feedback.
January 5th, 2022 Bob G., Pacific Life Program in Mexico, click here for feedback.
January 13th, 2022: Sam D., Survivor of The Academy in Oregon and Fiji, click here for feedback.
January 24th, 2022: Ann R. K., Survivor of Provo Canyon School in UT, click here for feedback.
February 12th, 2022: Kevin G., Survivor of Jackson Academy in TN, click here for feedback.
April 10th, 2022: Fuck Off, Survivor of Carolina Springs Academy/Casa by the Sea/Pillars of Hope/WWASPS, click here for feedback.
September 3rd, 2022: Jake D., Survivor of The Discovery School in VA, click here for feedback.
March 3rd, 2023: David Dunaway, click here for COPE Ministries feeback.
March 13th, 2023: Katlyn C., Survivor of Diamond Ranch Academy in UT, click here for feedback.
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